Scientists have believed building a large-scale quantum computer will only be possible if there’s a revolution in classical computing and device engineering. However, now the scaling-up of quantum information systems no longer seems a distant dream since a new phase of matter will play a crucial role in the scale-up. Researchers from the University of Sydney, Stanford University, and Microsoft have created a microcircuit that will aid this scale-up. 

Inspired from plants, a new catalyst has been developed by researchers from University of Toronto, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. The catalyst effectively converts electrical energy to chemical energy at 64 percent efficiency which is quite high compared to other renewable carbon fuels.     

In 1992, 1,700 scientists including almost all of the living Nobel laureates at the time, signed a World Scientists Warning to Humanity. Global trends have only worsened since then. Deforestation, changing climate, loss of fresh water sources, extinction of species, human population growth, and growing waste are just some of the factors that contribute to environmental harm. 

Storing and transmitting information in two-dimensional circuits of electronic devices has been possible since the 60’s. Expanding the possibilities, the University of Cambridge has now created a nanoscale magnetic circuit that moves along three dimensions of space.     

Most studies on genetics and cognition focus on discovering the common features that drive our attention. However, through what could possibly be the largest-ever eye-tracking study, researchers have been able to establish that genetics plays a big role in how people connect to their environment.   

We all love fireworks on commemorative days and special occasions but fireworks at an atomic level are probably not something scientists expect to see on a regular day at work. While a team of researchers in the University of Chicago were treated to this show in their lab, they stumbled upon a new form of quantum behavior.

Several studies have been conducted with the aim of stopping the ability of cancer to consume glucose. However, a new study led by Matthew Galbraith, PhD, and Joaquin Espinosa, PhD at University of Colorado Cancer Center researchers, has finally found a way to restrict the ability of cancer to use glucose energy.            

A recently published paper establishes how the use of digital media during the early years of development hampers sleep and growth in children.

Researchers have been studying planets for decades now in a quest to discover how they are formed. A few mysteries related to planet formation may have been answered in the form of images of a fairly new planet, V1247 Orionis.

Generating renewable energy is the need of the hour and newer sustainable means of generating energy are constantly being researched. Several studies have established that wind speeds are higher over the ocean than over land. And because of this, it was thought that wind turbines in the ocean could generate much more energy than wind turbines on land. But research up until now was unable to tell us whether the ocean winds could actually be converted to electricity.