
Journal Submission & Peer Review

Once a manuscript is submitted to a journal, it goes through an initial screening process which involves a preliminary review by the journal editor. At this stage, the…
Editorial decision-making: what are the possible outcomes for a manuscript?
Ethical research and publication practices are essential for honest scholarly and scientific research. Most journals today are keenly aware of this
Duplicate publications and simultaneous submissions
A paper has a greater chance of publication when it involves a full-scale study, rather than a fragment of a larger study. Read more to learn about the practice of …
The pitfalls of "salami slicing": Focus on quality and not quantity of publications
This post describes the features of a good cover letter. Read on for a simple checklist of dos and don’ts that you should keep in mind to write an effective…
Dos and don'ts for a great cover letter
This article shares an editor's experience and views on why papers get rejected. Read on to find out how authors can avoid their manuscript from getting rejected. 
4 Basic reasons a peer reviewer might reject your manuscript
Journal decision making is complex and involves multiple layers of screening. Peer review is an extremely crucial part of this process, one on which the journal's…
Answers to questions all researchers have about the journal decision-making process
A conflict of interest arises whenever there is any potential bias that could affect a researcher’s work. Avoid post-publication headaches by disclosing all conflicts of…
Conflicts of interest
Ethical declarations in research form an integral part during the submission process of a manuscript to a journal. During the submission process, there are several…
Ethical declarations that authors should provide at the journal submission stage
How serious is an erratum, expression of concern, or a retraction? They should all be avoided as they do not reflect well on your research if it needs to be corrected or…
What authors need to know about errata, expressions of concern, and retractions
Is getting published in a journal one of your goals for this year? Publishing in journals is vital for researchers, but the path to publication can be arduous if you do…