
Industry Trends

The issue of predatory ‘patent trolls’ has been plaguing scientific innovation since decades. But what are patent trolls and how do they operate? Are universities trolls…
Patent trolls: What they are and how they affect innovation in science
Many researchers indulge in what is known as ‘outcome switching,’ which means the trial report does not include outcomes that are part of the pre-registration, or…
How outcome switching is rendering clinical trials meaningless
Science is becoming open and how! Gone are the days when researchers and institutions believed in keeping scientific data  behind strict and complex institutional…
Open Data in Science - Embracing Open Data for Scientific Progress
What does the term "big data" mean? Why is it being considered as an additional paradigm to science? In the recent years, the availability of large volumes of data has…
What does big data mean for science?
What are some of the biggest concerns facing science? A recently conducted survey by one of the leading news websites Vox involving 270 researchers provides answers to…
7 Major problems science is facing: A survey overview
It takes several months to years for a researcher to publish a paper. A commonly cited reason for delayed publication is that the peer reviewers often recommend that…
Is reviewers' demand for more experiments justified?
P value is the most commonly reported statistic in research papers, and yet is widely misunderstood and misused. Recently, the American Statistical Association (ASA)…
Is my research significant? Why you shouldn't rely on p values
All prestigious journals use some form of peer review, and most academics believe that the purpose of peer review is to maintain the quality and integrity of the…
Is paid peer review a good idea?
Publication bias refers to a phenomenon in scientific reporting whereby authors are more likely to submit and journal editors are more likely to publish studies with …
Publication and reporting biases and how they impact publication of research
The impact factor is one of the most discussed topics in the publishing and scientific community. Thomson Reuters assigns most journals a yearly impact factor (IF),…