
News & Trends

Research papers go through a long and thorough process of peer review so that the published papers are free of errors and mistakes. Despite this, sometimes some errors…
Is the journal retraction rate rising?
After obtaining a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Missouri, Columbia, in 1999, Yurii Chinenov joined one of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI)…
"Stay focused on why you want to publish your manuscript."
Plagiarism is often one of the commonly cited reasons behind retraction of scientific papers. However, should plagiarism in any form necessarily result in journal…
Should plagiarism lead to retraction in all circumstances?
Early career researchers face countless challenges as they push their way through the academic publishing world. Most of these issues are experienced by many but are…
Challenges faced by early-career researchers in Jordan in relation to bad publication practices
Last week, Clarivate Analytics released the much anticipated 2017 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), which includes information about highly cited peer-reviewed…
Clarivate Analytics releases the 2017 Journal Citation Reports
Dr. Teresa Michelsen is an environmental scientist with more than 20 years of experience in environmental quality studies, geochemistry, aquatic cleanup and source…
"Working together across borders and nationalities to advance our knowledge"
Dr. Colin Nichols has over 10 years of experience in academic writing/editing in the field of life sciences, gained from both academia and working as a research…
"As editors, we are on your side."
Springer announced the retraction of 107 papers published in Tumor Biology, an open access cancer journal, as they found evidence of peer review manipulation. Most of…
Springer announces mass retraction of 107 papers by Chinese authors
This post discusses the article Why Open Access for Brazil (2008) by Alma Swan, which takes a deeper look at barriers that prevent Brazilian scientific research from…
Should Brazilian researchers be wary of open access?
"As the number of scientists conducting research has reached unforeseen heights, it appears that the quality of conducted and published research has reached new lows."…