
Style & Format

Why it is important to fomat headings clearly and consistently? This post explains how appropriately formatting the headings increases the readability and clarity of the…
Tips on using major headings, subheadings, minor headings in research papers
The article discusses a few points of style related to bacterial nomenclature.
Style tips for presenting scientific names of bacteria
Find tips on presenting genes and products of genes in this article. Gene nomenclature is fairly complex, and this article attempts to draw attention to its intricacies…
Style tips for presenting genes and gene products
Science Research Writing is a practical and handy guide for non-native authors who want to write research papers in English.
Writing research papers in English: A guide for non-native speakers
There are many books on the topic of scientific and research writing, but most researchers hardly have the time to delve into such books. If only there was something…
A 3-page guide to scientific writing
This post discusses the minutiae of expressing rates (kilometres per hour, grams per litre, etc.) using negative exponents and the slash.
Although The Economist, a British weekly, is not a research journal, its writing is often praised for its clarity and precision. How does the The Economist&n
Discusses the recommendations concerning the use of capitals in eponyms
When writing a research paper for publication in a journal, following the journal’s style is very important and can be beneficial during the review process. Content will…
Discusses the three non-SI units mentioned in the title (psi, mesh number, and quintals) and supplies appropriate conversion factors.