
Researchers and Their Stories

We decided to present the case in the grand round. In grand rounds, rare cases and cases that are difficult to diagnose are discussed by the trainees in presence of…
I was back to the initial situation; none of my advisors believed in me. But I learnt that you need only one person to believe in what you do and that person is you…
I feel I now face an extremely complex social situation, realizing that as humans, we have let part of our humanity go through the grind of daily life.
I felt motivated to work on the project and could see the significant impact it could have on millions of osteoarthritis patients. I found this field quite interesting…
I used to fall ill sometimes knowing that I was going to embark on an exploratory journey that required an immense understanding of data, but I would get better the…
My wait to get into a PhD program was around four years long – not surprisingly, though, my personal life couldn’t wait. 
I was not prepared for what my interactions with them unveiled. I found that the desire to learn, explore, and ponder the mysteries of life could not have been stronger…
Due to the state of employment in Greece, I was supposed to feel lucky if I ever landed any kind of job. While working though, I managed to participate in four…
The secret to a happy life is exploring something you love more than yourself and committing to it. In my journey of exploration of that “something,” I opened myself up…
The six years of my PhD life were the best ones in my academic life, thanks to my PhD supervisor. I grew every day, not just as an academic but also as a person. What I…