
Style & Format

The article discusses a few points of style related to bacterial nomenclature.
Style tips for presenting scientific names of bacteria
This article covers the basic points of style authors should note while using the names of species in research papers. 
Discusses the recommendations concerning the use of capitals in eponyms
Although The Economist, a British weekly, is not a research journal, its writing is often praised for its clarity and precision. How does the The Economist&n
Style manuals are incredibly useful tools for writers, and similar to dictionaries and other reference resources, they must be updated regularly to account for the ever…
When writing a research paper for publication in a journal, following the journal’s style is very important and can be beneficial during the review process. Content will…
Tips on making style decisions in the manuscript
Tables and figures, although important components of many research papers, are just that—components; you can publish a paper without them but you cannot publish tables…
Referring to tables and figures in text
In a list of bullet points, whether each item begins with a capital letter depends on the punctuation mark that comes before the item. A capital letter typically marks…
Scientific writing: Tips on capitalization in bullet point lists
The use of figures and tables as adjuncts to text is common in research papers. These adjuncts supplement the text: figures, for example, can convey information that may…
Avoid instructions such as "See Table 2" and "Refer to Figure 6"
When writing a research paper, you have to consider several matters of style. This article discusses the use of abbreviations and numbers in academic writing. …