

Dr. Erin Reardon prefers to describe her career as a “work-in-progress” because learning, she believes, is a lifelong process. She has over 4 years of experience in…
"Most of the manuscripts I review reflect high quality science."
YouTube can be a great source of engaging science-related videos if you know where to look. This article lists the top 20 most fascinating YouTube channels for…
Top 20 fascinating YouTube channels for science junkies
All prestigious journals use some form of peer review, and most academics believe that the purpose of peer review is to maintain the quality and integrity of the…
Is paid peer review a good idea?
Scientific laboratories expose researchers to a potentially hazardous environment. Along with safety measures undertaken by laboratories, individual researchers also…
10 Lab safety rules every researcher should follow
The Fields Medal, which is officially known as International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics, is an esteemed award that is often described as the …
Congratulations to winners of the 2014 Fields Medal prize
Publication bias refers to a phenomenon in scientific reporting whereby authors are more likely to submit and journal editors are more likely to publish studies with …
Publication and reporting biases and how they impact publication of research
The impact factor is one of the most discussed topics in the publishing and scientific community. Thomson Reuters assigns most journals a yearly impact factor (IF),…
The advance and decline of the impact factor
How can you measure the quality of a research paper? More importantly, how can you determine whether your research is making an impact and is considered important? An…
Using citation analysis to measure research impact
Dr. Caroline Sutton is an active expert on open access publishing and Co-Founder of Co-Action Publishing. She is also Director at Infrastructure Services for Open Access…
Open access publishing: acting together with authors, editors, societies, and institutions
Academic blogs are a great way to pick up chatter about what’s brewing in scholarly publishing and what researchers think about specific aspects of academia. They are…