
Manuscript Writing

There is a dire need to communicate in simplified writing in Academic Publishing. Complex ideas need not be described in a difficult manner. This article discusses how…
5 Steps to simplifying language in research communication
Is there a way to ensure that your results do not end up being irreproducible and you do not face retraction as a result? In this post, Ira Krull discusses all aspects…
This online course titled Avoid Retractions: Publish Ethically is an effort to provide guided learning on ethics in a simple and systematic manner allowing…
Confused about how to use the Chicago Manual of Style or Scientific Style and Format when preparing your manuscript?We will soon host a video prepared by experts from…
This article explains some points of style in scientific writing related to using negative exponents in expressing rates.
Tips on using negative exponents while expressing rates in scientific writing
What are the correct ways of including citations into the text of research papers? This article illustrates two ways of inserting citations into research papers…
Many authors, particularly those who lack fluency in English, often take the assistance of professional medical writing services. However, authors should be extremely…
Authors face plagiarism charge due to medical writer's unethical actions: A case study
P value is the most commonly reported statistic in research papers, and yet is widely misunderstood and misused. Recently, the American Statistical Association (ASA)…
Is my research significant? Why you shouldn't rely on p values
Authors are often disappointed when their manuscript is rejected after initial screening and are left wondering what was wrong with the paper and why it was not even…
This post describes the different kinds of word-related information that a dictionary offers, including meaning, usage, pronunciation, etymology, etc.