
Manuscript Submission

Getting scooped is a major fear that most scientists battle. It can be extremely upsetting if an author gets scooped due to delays in the journal publication process. As…
An author took the assistance of Editage for the editing and submission of his manuscript. We edited and formatted the manuscript as per the journal guidelines, but the…
The previous post explained the main duties of the corresponding author before a manuscript is submitted to the journal. This post talks about what a corresponding…
Authors sometimes have preconceived ideas about copyright. Some authors are under the impression that open access articles do not have copyright. Such a mistaken idea…
Most journals require complete disclosure of potential conflicts of interest from authors at the time of submission.However, it is sometimes difficult for authors to…
As an author, you want to get published in the right journal by the right editor. Terry Monahan, Managing Editor of the journal Eye and Contact Lens shares her top…
Poor copyediting leads to the publication of a paper with errors and without final approval by the author. When the author informs the EIC, a correction is made, but the…
An author is surprised and confused when the instructions provided by the journal submission system are different from those provided in the author guidelines on the…
When a journal does not provide clear information about the APC on its website, but informs the author of the amount only after acceptance, the author finds the charges…
Do you know what journal editors want from you? In this post a journal editor talks about how the predatory publishing and academic hijacking are very much like street…