
Tables & Figures

Including figures in a research paper can improve reader comprehension and increase audience interest. Learn how to use them correctly.
It is critical that individuals in the scientific or academic fields understand the distinction between a graphical abstract and an infographic, as they do not serve the…
This post talks about the importance of alternative/innovative ways to communicate science, how art fits in science communication, and the different forms of art for…
Infographics are visual communication formats containing graphs, charts, and illustrations. This article explores the role of infographics in healthcare and how they…
Research visibility is an important aspect of research, learn techniques to increase the relevance of your work.
We had invited researchers around the world to ask questions related to research communication and challenges that they face while presenting data visually. Fabricio…
Creating scientific figures is a simple and effective way to boost the value of your research. Check out this article to learn how to make a good one.
Editage Insights brings you this curated list, focussed on preparing effective tables and figures as adjuncts to text in research papers.
Effective figures and tables: Best of the web
As figures are visual in nature, making them accessible means meeting the needs of users with visual impairments. Those who use scientific figures, including paper…