
Career Growth

Impact factors, the h-index, and other measures of assessing research journals and researchers are all based on citations. The basic logic is simple: if other…
DOI for papers; ORCID for authors
The graphical abstract is a relatively new concept. while it is fast gaining popularity with journals, authors are not yet very familiar with the idea. Inadequate…
Inadequate guidelines about graphical abstract confuses author: A case study
This article provides some tips on how to introduce yourself during your postdoc search, what information should be included, and how to organize your approach to…
The American experience for foreign postdocs: Breaking the ice and approaching the PI of your dream lab
This post suggests a few language-related strategies for researchers to explain abstract or difficult-to-grasp concepts to the general public.
6 Quick and easy ways to better explain science to non-scientists
If you are aspiring to pursue your PhD in the US, this post is just what you need. Navigating the PhD is challenging in itself, and when you have to pursue a PhD abroad,…
4 Tips for foreign students looking to do a PhD in the US
Funding is indeed a big problem for scientists these days. Increased competition coupled with diminishing federal research has made it very difficult for university…
New strategies to obtain funding
I am currently writing a few research papers. From my office in France, I must write with my co-authors located in Brazil and two different cities in the USA. How can I…
Writing in the cloud: Tools for collaborative writing
Time and research dollars are limited resources for all researchers. This article provides details on what research funding is and presents a checklist of how you can…
Who will fund your research?
With the evolving digital media landsape, scientific communication is changing to adapt to the needs of a new age audience. Graphical and video abstracts are fast…
The coming of age of the abstract in scientific writing: graphical and video abstracts
Journal editors face various challenges while appointing reviewers. This post discusses these challenges and how editors deal with them.