
Grant Application

The five key inputs from a biostatistician discussed in this post can help senior researchers in the biomedical sciences to craft a strong grant application.
In a previous article, Dr. Mindy Levine shared excellent guidelines on what reviewers look for in a grant proposal. This article expands on those tips and will guide…
Acquiring a grant is a difficult feat, but once you have achieved this, utilizing the grant money well can be a challenging task too. Here are five tips to help you…
Writing grant proposals can be a difficult process, involving significant amounts of time, resources, and energy until the proposal is successfully submitted. This…
Imagine that you have working tirelessly on a grant proposal keeping all the other work aside, and sent the proposal with a lot of hope. And then you are communicated…
Writing a grant proposal requires a lot of time and effort. But all this effort can go waste if the proposal does not conform to the requirements set by the funding…
Non-conformance to formatting requirements leads to rejection of grant proposal: A case study
Do you want to improve your grant-writing skills and increase your chances of getting funded? This article provides effective strategies to create an effective and…