Q: Can you give an example of a research title for the following types of research design?

Detailed Question -
  • Pre-experimental design
  • Quasi-experimental design
  • True experimental design
  • Descriptive research design
  • Non-experimental design
2 Answers to this question

Hello Stayie – Welcome to the forum! The thing is, your question is very similar to another question we previously responded to on the forum. The only type of design not mentioned there (from your list) is non-experimental design. So, you may refer to that query here: How can I create a title that will reflect the quantitative research design of my study?

And for more help with crafting a paper title, you may refer to these resources:

One quick tip we can leave you with is to first write a working (draft) title when you are starting off the manuscript and then revise/refine it once you’ve completed the manuscript, when you typically have a better idea of the focus of the research, and therefore, the best manner of presenting it through the title.

Hope that helps. All the best for your study (or studies, in case you are planning multiple ones)!


Hello Amani – Welcome to the forum!

So, even if you are undertaking secondary research, you should ensure that the study you are using is relatable to your own study, in terms of the properties of the population, timescales, and other attributes. Briefly providing information about the sample properties and sampling techniques of the quoted secondary research will help convince readers of your paper that the study was relevant to your own and that the methodology used in the other study was robust to testing and valid even today (for example, if the study was conducted some time ago or in a different country). The sampling method will be influenced by the type of research that was conducted, and describing this will enable readers to verify for themselves whether the secondary research you are relying on is suitable for being used in your research.

Hope that helps. For more insights on secondary data/research, you may find it worthwhile to refer to the following resources:

All the best for your research!