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10 Survival strategies for the postdoc life

A postdoc position is often looked upon as a stepping stone to a tenure track faculty position. But a postdoc also involves a unique set of challenges which many PhD…

manuscript status

Most journals have online submission systems, which have definitely made it easier and quicker for authors to submit their manuscripts. Once a manuscript is submitted…

Using “et al.” for in-text citations in research papers

It is rare for a single researcher to publish a paper all by herself or himself; most research papers have several or many authors, and the average number of authors…

Do's and don'ts for responding to peer reviewers' comments

Addressing peer reviewer comments is a daunting task for even the most experienced authors. Sometimes peer reviewers write long-winded comments, which make it…

Manuscript revision tips for authors

Getting your work published in a peer-reviewed journal almost always involves revising your manuscript at least once. This article provides tips on revising your…

Interview with Jing Duan, Managing Editor
Jing Duan, PhD, was the Managing Editor of Acta Ecologica Sinica (International Journal) and Ecosystem Health and Sustainability. Since 2011, she started representing the Ecological Society of China…
Interview with Dr. Anthony Watkinson, Co-Fonder, CIBER Research
Drawing on over forty years of experience in senior management positions with numerous leading publishers and as Co-Founder and Principal Consultant of CIBER Research, Anthony Watkinson discusses…
"Clarity of thought will bring in clarity in writing."
Anuradha Alahari holds a PhD degree in microbiology and has 20 years of diverse post-doctoral research experience in biochemistry, infectious diseases and neurobiology. She has authored 18 papers in…
Caroline Banton is a professional writer and editor with 15 years of experience in the field of scholarly writing. She has served as an Assistant Editor for the in-house publications department at…
Since the late 1960s, Prof. J. Patrick Barron served as a consultant to medical researchers in Japan. Revisiting early experiences of Japan's "vibrant and extremely advanced" field of lung cancer, he…