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10 Survival strategies for the postdoc life

A postdoc position is often looked upon as a stepping stone to a tenure track faculty position. But a postdoc also involves a unique set of challenges which many PhD…

manuscript status

Most journals have online submission systems, which have definitely made it easier and quicker for authors to submit their manuscripts. Once a manuscript is submitted…

Using “et al.” for in-text citations in research papers

It is rare for a single researcher to publish a paper all by herself or himself; most research papers have several or many authors, and the average number of authors…

Do's and don'ts for responding to peer reviewers' comments

Addressing peer reviewer comments is a daunting task for even the most experienced authors. Sometimes peer reviewers write long-winded comments, which make it…

Manuscript revision tips for authors

Getting your work published in a peer-reviewed journal almost always involves revising your manuscript at least once. This article provides tips on revising your…

The physical and chemical properties of real space dirt cannot be replicated by artificial space dirt. This is a cause of concern as it could lead to misleading research results. An asteroid-…

Douglas E. Brash, clinical professor of therapeutic radiology and dermatology at Yale School of Medical, and his colleagues discovered that skin damage from…

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus as a global health emergency on 1 Feb. Dr. Margaret Chan, the director general of the WHO, stated that the…

Researchers at the Institute of Biology III and the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) collaborated with researchers from Karlsruhe and London, England,…

The world is at the brink of polio eradication. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) is concerned about the use of vaccine strains that are currently in use.…