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The physical and chemical properties of real space dirt cannot be replicated by artificial space dirt. This is a cause of concern as it could lead to misleading research results. An asteroid-…

Securing funding through grant proposals is indeed a difficult and tedious process, and what is most challenging about it is making a grant proposal convincing. Even…

Are there biases in the world of scientific publication? Indeed, one comes across biases in the publishing industry such as publication bias, time lag bias, multiple…

The volume of publication output has exploded. You cannot rule out the possibility that your research topic has already been addressed in a recently published paper.…

How to write a literature review

A literature review is a critical summary of all the published works on a particular topic. Most research papers include a section on literature review as part of the…

Clinical trials constitute a critical stage of clinical research and it is important to understand what clinical trials are and what forms they take. In this slide…

The theme of Peer Review Week 2016 was "Recognize Review," and the global scholarly publishing community got together to talk about recognizing or incentivizing peer…

Douglas E. Brash, clinical professor of therapeutic radiology and dermatology at Yale School of Medical, and his colleagues discovered that skin damage from…

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Zika virus as a global health emergency on 1 Feb. Dr. Margaret Chan, the director general of the WHO, stated that the…

Researchers at the Institute of Biology III and the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) collaborated with researchers from Karlsruhe and London, England,…