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Who will win the 2017 Nobel Prize for Chemistry? Watch the live announcement now!

Who will win the 2017 Nobel Prize for Literature? Watch the live announcement now!

Who will win the 2017 Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences? While there have been several speculations and predictions about the winners, the Nobel Committee is announcing the prize shortly. Please…

The Abstract plays a decisive role in whether people will go on to read your entire paper. This video will give you 11 tips that will guide you through writing a more…

It's almost time for us all to welcome in the year 2018. As we approach the end of the year, most of us tend to reflect on the bygone year and mull over whether we've…

3 Easy steps to write an effective statement of problem

[This video was originally published by Henry Bwisa on YouTube and has been republished here…

[This video was originally published by libncsu on YouTube and has been republished here.]…

Differences between references and citations in a research paper

[This video was originally published by UTMLibrary on YouTube and has been republished here…

[This video was originally published by Patricia Morton on YouTube and has been republished…

[This video was originally published by Australian Council For International Developement (…