Q: Does the journal with ISSN 25449346 have an impact factor?

2 Answers to this question

IJSRET is also good journal with high impact factor try that 


The ISSN: 25449346 that you mentioned belongs to  journal from Poland called Science Review. This journal is not there in the Clarivate Analytics Masterlist of journals indexed in SCI/SCIE/SSI. This means that the journal does not have an impact factor. It is not even listed under Scopus or PubMed. This indicates that it does not have a SCImago ranking as well.

Please go through every section of the journal website carefully before submission to ensure that this is not a predatory journal. Also consider asking your colleagues or professors if they have heard of this journal and if they recommend submitting your manuscript there.

Please read the following links to understand how to find the impact factors of various journals and how to identify predatory journals: