Q: Do I still need to reduce the similarity if it is 25% and most falls under method and legends?

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The similarity rate for my manuscript is 25%, but most of it falls under method and figure legends. Do I still need to work on reducing the similarity?

1 Answer to this question

A similarity of 15% or below is considered low and therefore acceptable. Some journals may consider a similarity of 25% a bit high. But note that journals don’t just rely on the plagiarism tool; they also make a judicious decision. However, you could see if you could reduce it some more. If it becomes challenging, you may consider using our own plagiarism check service.

If you do manage it bring it below 15%, great! If not, and you’ve tried your best and can’t reduce it further, you can go ahead with the submission. In the cover letter, you could mention that you’ve tried your best to reduce the count. So, they will know you have been as diligent as possible. :-)

Hope that helps. All the best for your submission!

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