WORKSHOP Editage experiential live edit of a research manuscript (Subject area: Medicine)

 Editage experiential live edit of a research manuscript (Subject area: Medicine)

Time: 9 am EST

Type of webinar: Paid (9 USD)

About the speaker- Rebecca Ambrose:

Rebecca Ambrose has been with Editage for more than 11 years. She started out as a medical editor and eventually went on to head two editorial teams (Allied Healthcare and Cancer Research). A BELS-certified editor, Rebecca was responsible for training, mentoring, and managing editorial quality. She has worked with researchers from more than 15 countries, including authors from South Korea, Japan, and China. Over her 6-year stint in the editing team, she has worked on over 4,000 research manuscripts for submission to top journals such as Nature, Scientific Reports, Science, The Lancet, British Medical Journal, The New England Journal of Medicine, BMC, and Plos One. Rebecca has also conducted over 30 workshops and editorial consultation sessions across 20 universities, institutes, and hospitals in Korea on academic writing and publishing for graduate, post-graduate, and doctorate students.

About the webinar:

Watch and listen to a medical editor, who has edited/reviewed and formatted manuscripts for submission to top journals as she does a detailed live edit of an actual manuscript by walking you through its various sections.

In this 60 minute certified experiential session, Rebecca Ambrose, a BELS-certified editor who has reviewed/edited over 4000 papers, will walk you through an actual manuscript, focus on errors that could have been avoided, and give you tips and guidelines to enhance the overall readability of the manuscript.

What you will learn:

  • You will know more about what editors look for in a research manuscript
  • You will understand the different sections of the manuscript by experiencing the editing process through the eyes of an editor
  • You will discover what to include in which section
  • You will receive a detailed edited version of the manuscript for later reference

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$USD 9
Calendar Icon December 20, 2023, 14:00 PM - December 20, 2023, 15:00 PM UTC