Q: How can I find a Scopus journal that will give a decision within three weeks?

Detailed Question -

Does Scopus have any rapid publication journals? Are there any Scopus indexed journals that give a decision within 3 weeks?

1 Answer to this question

SCOPUS is a huge database and I’m sure it includes many journals that have a rapid publication option. It is difficult to name any journal without knowing the topic and field of your study. However, Elsevier has a journal finding tool that you could consider using. Since Scopus is an Elsevier database, you would find journals that are indexed in Scopus. You can use this tool to find a journal that will be best suited for your article. The tool also gives, for each journal that it shows up, the average time to get to a first decision. Thus, you will also come to know whether any of the journals that are suitable for your paper will give you a decision within three weeks.