Q: How can I politely ask the editor about the journals' review speed and median tome from submission to post-review decision and acceptance?

Detailed Question -

I would like to submit my manuscript to a SAGE journal. However no relevant information is provided at the journal's home page nor at the individual article details regarding the duration of review. I would be grateful if you could provide a template of how to phrase the relevant questions to the editor.

1 Answer to this question

Dear author,

Thank you for your question. You could phrase your query to the journal editorial board as follows: "We would be grateful if you could provide some information on the duration of the peer-review process. We could not find any information on the journal webiste, and while we know that the duration can vary based on the availability of the peer-reviewers, having a tentative timeline would greatly help us."

In case you would like to ask before submitting to the journal, you can send it as a pre-submission enquiry. In this case, please also include a sentence that you are planning to submit a paper to the journal. If you are submitting the paper, this question can be part of the cover letter. If you need further help in composing the entire cover letter, please reach out to us and we can guide you towards the apt service to help you.