Q: How can I re-write the RRL to RRS?

Detailed Question -

I need to rewrite the rrl to rrs.

1 Answer to this question

In casual parlance, review of the related literature (RRL) and review of related studies (RRS) might be used interchangeably; however, there is a subtle difference.

An RRL reviews as much of the literature possible around a particular research problem. This literature can include various article types, including theoretical articles, reviews, protocol papers, opinions, and policy statements.

An RRS is a review of all the studies around a particular research problem. An RRS helps justify the need for studying the problem in the first place. Studies involve actual experiments and/or data collection and analysis. Therefore, an RRS only includes empirical studies, experiments, and research findings.

To rewrite your RRL to an RRS, you will need to scrutinize the references and cull out any paper that is not based on experimental studies, e.g., theoretical articles, reviews, protocol papers, and gray literature. Retain papers based on experiments and research findings rather than opinions and review articles. Ensure that you have covered all the relevant experimental studies. If not, be sure to incorporate them into the revised text. After you remove/add these papers and their mention and discussion in your current manuscript, you will need to smoothen out the text and make new connections across sections and paragraphs so that the flow is not affected.