Q: How do I write research objectives for a project on the impact of COVID-19 on the business environment? 

1 Answer to this question

Straight off, that’s a topical subject, with significance for similar or related scenarios in the future, including the very immediate future.

So, when writing or coming up with research objectives, you need to keep the following things in mind.

You need to determine the scope of the study – the extent to which you will cover the topic in question. In your case, you will need to fix the type and size of both the business enterprises and the environment you will study, such as small/medium/large/conglomerate, local/regional/national/international, and products/services/solutions provided (such as essential/non-essential). This is both to help keep your study feasible and to provide it focus. For more information on scope (and a related concept, delimitations), you may refer to the following resources:

You need to be clear about the precise goal of the study. In this case, you may wish to only document the impact of the pandemic. On the other hand, you may wish to go beyond and seek out remedies, both for now and for the future. Or you may prefer a middle path and wish to only gauge implications for the future – in areas such as crisis planning and preparedness and business continuity and survival. Having a clear goal will help articulate clear objectives.

As a side note, the goal also determines the nature of the study you will undertake (whether original research or secondary research), and therefore, the type of the research (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method). For instance, if you wish to only document the impact of COVID-19, you will probably do a literature review. On the other hand, if you wish to obtain first-hand responses of various business owners, you may wish to do questionnaires or even interviews through a qualitative study.

For additional details on research objectives, you may refer to the following queries by other researchers:

And to access studies and a variety of other content related to COVID-19, you may visit our dedicated site: covid19.researcher.life

Hope that helps. All the best for your study!