Q: How do I write the methodology of the effect of the COVID-19 lockdown in a research proposal?

Detailed Question -

I want to know how to write the methodology of the effect of the lockdown in Gambia.

1 Answer to this question

The research proposal is crucial because it helps decide whether or not your research will be approved, whether you’ll have to modify it, or whether you may need to pursue another research question. Within the research proposal, the methodology is perhaps the most crucial section. It needs to demonstrate your understanding of methodology in general, and around this topic in particular, to your supervisor/funder in order to receive the approval/funding.

However, we may not be able to tell you exactly how to write the methodology for your topic, both because you haven’t provided more details of the research and also because we are not familiar with the COVID-19 situation in Gambia. But we can provide some pointers through this resource: How do I write the methods section of a research proposal?

For help with some of the other parts of a research proposal, you may refer to these resources:

All the best for your proposal – and actual research!