Q: How does the knowledge of writing the literature review ease the conduct of the research?

1 Answer to this question

A literature review in a research paper is a review and referencing of existing literature related to the topic. It is written in the Introduction section (sometimes, toward the end of the Introduction) and typically discusses current and recent literature. It is done to find out more about the research topic and related topics. However, when preceding the research, it is done to identify gaps that may be addressed in the research. Thus, it can often provide the starting point for research. Where it is done to determine what previous studies say about the topic, it helps provide validation for the research.

For instance, consider the extensive research that is presently being done around various aspects of COVID-19. In your literature review of recent studies, you may come upon areas suggesting further research, which you may consider for your research. You may also come upon negative results, and thus decide to not explore those areas in your research.

For more information and insights on conducting literature reviews, you may refer to the following resources: