Q: How should I get my affiliation verified on Ringgold?

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The editor replied that my affiliation was input manually and not verified on Ringgold. How should I get my affiliation verified on Ringgold?

1 Answer to this question


Ringgold is an organization that provides and verifies unique IDs for academic institutions. The Ringgold ID is a verifiable way to share your affiliation information during submission. Think of it like an ORCID for academic institutions. So, during submission, you simply need to search for (type) your university name in the text box and select the appropriate name. You can see how to do this toward the end of this page (from the Taylor and Francis support section on ScholarOne submissions.) To view a sample of a university record (ID) on Ringgold, you may go to this page (on the Ringgold site.)

What you seem to have done is to type your university/organization’s name. While some systems don’t allow this, some systems do. Ideally, if the journal wanted you to only search and select, they shouldn’t have allowed manual entry, but that’s a different discussion.

Before this of course, your institute should be registered on Ringgold. If it isn’t, you should reach out to the relevant department on how to proceed. You can also check with the journal on how to proceed in such a scenario. Hopefully, your university should have a Ringgold ID, as Ringgold is well-established, being a member of leading industry associations. But in case it isn’t, the journal should be able to understand this and either have a workaround or let you then continue to provide manual input.

Hope that helps. You should likely be able to proceed with and complete your submission now. All the best!

As you are so close to completing the submission, you may find these resources helpful: