Q: How should I understand the result of plagiarism check and take action for that?

Detailed Question -

When I checked my paper with a plagiarism check tool (iThenticate), the most overlapped part is shown as an internet site where several thousand publications from fashion magazines to academic journals are registered (I do not disclose its specific name here). The overlapped portions include my own writing area and also the area which was copyedited by an expert. In such case, how should I understand the result of the plagiarism check and take action for that?

1 Answer to this question

If the flagged portions in the report are more than 6 consecutive words (and if they are not technical terms that cannot be changed), I would suggest that the text be rewritten so that iThenticate does not pick it up as being copied. Most journals will also run iThenticate and if the similarity index is greater than 15-20%, they are likely to return the manuscript for rephrasing. Regarding the platform you have referred to, it might be best to work with your co-authors or your research adviser to understand the relevance of the overlapping content. This is because you would need to dig deeper into the platform as well as the overlapping content to learn why it is similar to the content on the platform. 


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