Q: How to fill the copyright author's form?

Detailed Question -

I am going to submit a manuscript to Palliative & Supportive Care. In the final page of the Copyright Author’s Form, there is an entry field for “COPYLIGHT HOLDER'S NAME” and “CONTRIBUTOR'S NAME”. Should I fill these fields when I am the first author?

1 Answer to this question

On the final page of the copyright assignment form (CAF) for Palliative & Supportive Care, in the Agreement To Terms section, you may need to fill up the information for both the copyright holder and the contributor. As you are the first author, you need to fill up the contributor information. If you are an independent contributor (that is, if you checked the Independent Contributor box in Clause 2 on the first page), you also need to enter the copyright holder information.

If you checked any other clause (3-5) on page 1 and are the authorised representative for any of the contributors mentioned in Clauses 3-5, you need to enter the corresponding information (name and signature) in the copyright holder field. If there is more than one author or contributor, as it seems in your case, you may also use the Additional Information section on the final page to supply more information about the additional author(s) or contributor(s).

Copyright assignment, or transfer, is a standard action when submitting your manuscript to a journal for publication. However, do give a final check through the CAF to ensure all details are correct before submitting.

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