Q: How to sign the copyright agreement of Russian Journal of Ecology?

Detailed Question -

I'd like to know how and where to sign the copyright agreement of Russian Journal of Ecology. Many thanks!

1 Answer to this question

The journal website provides a downloadable copyright transfer form written in both Russian and English. You can use whichever version you are comfortable with. You can then either fill up the document and submit it online along with the manuscript, or you can take a print and get it signed by all the authors and send it by snail mail to the journal office. To quote from the journal website:

To simplify interaction between author(s) and publisher, please submit copyright transfer agreements (in the Russian or English language) together with the manuscript to the editorial board of the journal. The copyright transfer agreement can be sent as a digital copy of the original (this is preferable) or as a paper copy. The copyright transfer agreement should be filled out using MS Word or hand-printed and signed by all authors (coauthors and copyright holders).

The website also states that: "A copyright transfer agreement enters into force if a manuscript is accepted for publication in English. If for any reason your article is rejected by the editorial board of a journal, the agreement loses its force."

If you are still not clear or face difficulty in submitting the form, you can send an email inquiry to agreement@pleiades.vg, use their web-based feedback form, or contact the editorial board.

Hope this helps.

Related reading:

What's the difference between a license agreement and a copyright transfer agreement?