Q: I have moved to a new institute but want to publish research done in previous institute. What should my affiliation reflect?

Detailed Question -

It has been four months since I have transitioned from the position of a researcher in  University A to a full-time faculty member at University B.  The professor of  University A asked me to continue our project and write a paper based on the project result.  The corresponding author of this manuscript is this professor of University A and I am the first author. However, this professor insisted that my affiliation should reflect University A and not University B. The professor suggested  I could write  University B-my current working place-as the second affiliation. I am not sure if this is the correct approach and adheres to the research ethics. Please share your view.

1 Answer to this question

There is a lack of consensus about the changed affiliation of an author. Conventionally, if you have carried out most of your research work related to a project in University A and received required support from the same university, during submission ‘University A’ should be listed as the affiliating instate.

In this scenario, you may mention the current institute as ‘current address’ as a footnote or in the Acknowledgement section. If both the institutes have supported the research to similar extents, then both the institutes can be listed as affiliating institutes.

Many journals have specific instruction regarding the ‘change of affiliation’, and your previous and/or current University(s) too may have similar guidelines on affiliation. I will recommend checking with the editors of the target journal and the authorities of the concerned institutes to confirm if they have any policy on this subject.

Suggested reading:

How should a change of institute reflect in the author's affiliation?

What should my affiliation be if I changed my workplace during a manuscript submission?

Is it acceptable to list multiple affiliations as an author?