Q: Is it salami slicing if I publish a new study based on my previous published work?

Detailed Question -

I recently wrote a paper on algorithm A that I developed. The algorithm is tested, evaluated on a data set, and the paper is published.

I developed another algorithm B and the inputs to this algorithm are the outputs from A. I tested algorithm A and B on a completely new data set and now I have the results. I am planning to write a paper and include algorithm A (with proper referencing) and algorithm B and clearly explain how the combined algorithm advances the field.

Will my new publication be considered as salami slicing given I was the developer of algorithm A and B? Is there a best strategy to handle this?

Note: I had no idea about the development of algorithm B when I worked on algorithm A. I see that algorithm B definitely extends the field of research and thinking.

1 Answer to this question

As long as you explain in the new manuscript how your new study is different from your older published paper by citing relevant references, it is acceptable to publish your new results. In the Introduction, Methods, and Discussion sections of your new manuscript, you should clearly explain what aspects of the older study you have used, what is the rationale behind using the algorithm that was already published, how the current study advances the older study, how both the studies, though inter-linked, are different and how much value your new study results add to the existing literature. Ensure that you clearly mention the differences between your new and old study and draw appropriate overall conclusions based on your results.

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