Q: Is it true that open access journals listed in SCI are more likely to be predatory?

Detailed Question -

I submitted to an OA journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering, from which I recently received an email asking me to do minor changes. I am not sure about quality of the journal. Will you please give me some advice?

1 Answer to this question

The Science Citation Indexed (SCI) under the ISI Web of Science database owned by Clarivate Analytics covers more than 8,500 notable and significant journals, across 150 disciplines. Journals indexed in this database are in fact more reliable since they have to meet certain quality standards to be eligible for being indexed. Also, not all open access journals are predatory. However, this alone cannot be enough to decide the credibility of a journal. This checklist will help you decide if your target journal is reliable and not a predatory one.

You can find out more about your target journal Mathematical Problems in Engineering on its website.

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