
Academic Writing

This video talks about some of the best tools to make your systematic literature process fast and accurate. The speaker of the video is Karel Patrek, who has a D. Phil…
Watch our editor Tiffany Leonard talk about being sensitive to individuals and bias-free in text.
Research question is the foundation of any research paper and it ought to be good. Lindsay, a  doctorate in Medical microbiology and infectious disease is here with her…
Do you want to publish your article in SSCI indexed journals but not sure how to achieve this dream? We’ll help you! Watch this video to know more. 
One of Editage’s senior experts is here with some proven tips on how to avoid, reduce and overcome plagiarism in a research paper.
The Chicago Manual of Style is commonly used by authors writing academic manuscripts as it contains detailed guidelines on various aspects of writing as well as language…
VIDEO:  Introduction to The Chicago Manual of Style and Scientific Style and Format
In the first part of this video John McDonald, experienced trainer at Editage, listed three common number-related errors authors commonly make when writing their…
VIDEO: 6 Mistakes to avoid when writing your research paper (Part 2)
John McDonald, experienced trainer at Editage, lists the most common manuscript writing mistakes and tells you how you can fix them.
VIDEO: 6 Mistakes to avoid when writing your research paper (Part 1)
Language is an area researchers often struggle with when writing a research paper. This video shares four must-do’s of research writing.
VIDEO: Language tips to improve academic writing
Non-native speakers of English often find it very difficult to paraphrase or summarize English text using their own words. This is one reason why many non-English…