Q: Minor revision subsequently being sent for review? Is this a bad sign?

Detailed Question -

Is it normal to have the status "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" pop up a day or two after submitting a minor revision? My understanding was that once a minor revision was submitted the paper would not go out for further peer-review? This is a journal using the ScholarOne system. My first round of review went well, with one reviewer only suggesting stylistic improvements and the other suggesting I incorporate an condition (which I did). Second review, Reviewer 1 only suggested making one of the paragraphs more concise. Reviewer 2 said nothing further. Should I expect another round of review?

1 Answer to this question

Thank you for your question. Considering the fact that your paper was reviewed once and you were provided suggestions for improvement, which you made, the paper should ideally not be reviewed again (even if it is, it should be sent to the same reviewer who reviewed your manuscript the first time). Based on the new status (Awaiting Reviewer Selection), it seems that the system is waiting for the same reviewer to check the changes or another reviewer to review the file again. However, the second option is highly unlikely as your file went through the first round of review. I recommend waiting for a week and then following up with the editor-in-chief of the journal asking them about the status of your submission.