

Field research safety: A practical approach

Field research is a critical means to fill gaps in existing knowledge, provide a deeper understanding of a subject, and uncover new insights. The impact of researcher safety cannot be understated as it directly affects the quality and integrity of scientific research conducted in the field. Researcher safety in fieldwork calls for proactive risk management, comprehensive safety protocols, and a supportive environment for researchers. By prioritizing researcher safety, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to ethical research practices and the physical and mental well-being of their researchers. A field researcher must feel free to enjoy their time in the field and maximize their potential without having to look over their shoulder.


Reflect to create and thrive in your new normal

As life forced many of us to move from one type of daily normal to another, we have all been tasked with keeping the wheels of productivity turning. Many are desperately trying to fit into this new sense of remote productivity, even if they end up feeling like a round hole being forced into a square peg! 

INFOGRAPHIC : What to do when you have a pre-existing mental health issue during a pandemic?

For people with pre-existing mental health disorders, the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to exacerbate their condition, especially due to the lack of access to support structures and professional help. Here are some strategies to keep taking care of yourself if you are in this situation.

VIDEO : Common misconception – Only those with problems in their research face mental health issues

Dr. Desiree Dickerson urges us to show ourselves some compassion amid the COVID-19 pandemic; Dr. Hendrik Huthoff (Scientific Manager of the Jena School for Microbial Communication) talks about how the COVID-19 pandemic could affect doctoral programs; and Dr. Nicola Byrom (Lecturer in Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neurosciences at King’s College London), begins her session on managing anxieties and low mood during social isolation.