

Part: 03

Plagiarism in academic publishing

When writing a paper, always acknowledge all sources clearly and avoid copying other authors’ words verbatim. Failure to do so could lead to loss of tenure/funding and loss of credibility.

Part: 05 Popular

Q : What’s the big deal about self-plagiarism?

Detailed question- I recently submitted my manuscript for publication and it was rejected by the journal saying the data is partially redundant since I have published it in the past. I agree...

Part: 01

VIDEO : 5 Easy tips to avoid accidental plagiarism

Even if you don’t intend to plagiarize, you may accidentally stumble into the trap of plagiarism. This is called Accidental Plagiarism. And it could happen to you if you’ve not mastered publication ethics. This video has some tips on how to avoid accidental plagiarism when writing a research paper. 

Part: 02 Popular

Q : How should I revise my paper so that it clears plagiarism check at the journal end?

Detailed question- My paper was rejected by a SCI journal because the plagiarism check percentage was 19%. I have revised the paper as much as possible. How should I revise it further...