
Journal Submission & Peer Review

In this video, Dr. Bruce Dancik reveals what kind of a submission package editors like to see, and explains how certain key elements, such as an excellent cover letter…
This 5-minute video presents Dr. Bruce Dancik's take on the much-debated issues of authorship and conflicts of interest.
Responding to peer reviewer comments requesting for major revisions is indeed a daunting task for most authors! Although this requires a lot of effort, it contributes to…
Manuscript rejection can be very frustrating! But what if you could turn it into a positive experience? Watch this video to find out how you can benefit from rejection…
Donald Samulack, President US Operations, Editage, presented a session titled "Can an author's editor help expedite peer review of the manuscript they edit?" In his…
Once you submit your manuscript, you are likely to be in a state of perpetual anxiety, wondering if your manuscript has already been reviewed, why it is taking so long,…
In this 7-minute video, Dr. Leslie Citrome gives valuable advice on what authors can do to ensure that their manuscript goes smoothly through the peer review process,…
[This video was originally published by libncsu on YouTube and has been republished here.] This video explains the peer review process while demonstrating the entire…
Do you want to publish your article in SSCI indexed journals but not sure how to achieve this dream? We’ll help you! Watch this video to know more. 
It is only natural to feel anxiety or, sometimes, a sense of foreboding when you receive a journal editor’s decision letter with reviewer comments attached. Is there a…