Q: What does the status "Under editor evaluation" mean for Elsevier journals?

Detailed Question -

I have submitted to an Elsevier Journal. The status initially changed from "Submitted to journal" to "With editor" within a day and from "With editor" to "Under review" on the same day. The status has now changed from "Under review" to "Under editor evaluation" with only three days in under review. What does it mean?

2 Answers to this question

Some journals use the status "Under review" for both internal and external review. From the status descriptions, it seems that in your case, the status "Under review" referred to the initial internal screening conducted by the editor. If the manuscript clears the initial screening, it is sent for peer review; else, it is rejected. The next status change will make the situation clearer.

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Answer: Dear Dr.S. I just read your question. Same thing happens to me just now that my paper's status was "under review" for just 3 days and then it changed to "Under editor evaluation". Can you tell me what happened after that in your case? Thanks