Q: What is a good way to increase the visibility of my paper?

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My paper was published in a new journal, but it is rarely searched since I do not have a DOI and I am not registered in Google Scholar. On ReserchGate, there are options to post full text articles or questions, but I’m not sure if I can post the pdf link to my paper. Is there any good way to get my paper searched and cited more?

1 Answer to this question

Nowadays, there are a number of opportunities to promote your publication. It has not only become the author’s privilege but also his/her responsibility to promote the article after publication. You can start by distributing copies of your article to your colleagues and contacting your institute’s communication and media relations office to publicize your research. You should consider posting it on social media websites like ResearchGate, Linkedin, Twitter, Mendeley, etc. You can post the title and abstract of your article on Researchgate and provide a link to the pdf. You can also make short YouTube videos or write blog posts about your research. For more details on how to promote your article, please refer to the related reading.  

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