Q: What is the difference between a post-hoc analysis and a case-control study?

Detailed Question -

I submitted a manuscript that compares one year later life prognosis of fracture patients in terms of the presence or absence of sarcopenia at the time of intervention. I submitted it as a case-control study, but the reviewer pointed out that it should be a post-hoc analysis. By my understanding, all retrospective studies are post-hoc analyses and case-control studies are included in post-hoc analyses. Is my understanding not correct?

1 Answer to this question

Thanks for the information you have provided. However, sometimes, without all the details (such as all the related comments by this reviewer and more details about the research), it may not be clear why a reviewer has made a particular suggestion or what the study design should really be. You may consider providing more information, but we understand if that runs the risk of your research getting scooped with this information being available on the public domain while your paper is under consideration. So, it may help to approach one of our services. That way, the expert/s there would be able to view the comments holistically to provide the best response and the best way forward and your research would continue remaining safeguarded.

In your case, you may find the following services useful.

  • Editage Experimental Design: This is if you wish to have only your study type and methods/methodology reviewed.
  • Editage Scientific Editing Service: This would be more global, including a technical review along with the standard language, grammar, and style reviews. Additionally, you would receive help with multiple rounds of re-editing.

Hope that helps. All the best for the way forward on your paper!

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