Q: What is the difference between JPCB and JPCC when it comes to ACS Journals?

Detailed Question -

What is the difference between the JPCB and the JPCC article formats? I checked, but I am not sure. They are all based on the unified standards of ACS Journals. Which one should I finally select, JPCB or JPCC?

1 Answer to this question

We understand you are referring to ACS Publications, and the various journals that the publisher brings out. One set or series of journals the publisher brings out is The Journal of Physical Chemistry, which has three, or rather, four sub-journals: The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (JPCA), The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (JPCB), The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (JPCC), and The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Each has a different scope. As JPCB and JPCC are of interest to you, you may read about their respective scopes or aims here (JPCB) and here (JPCC). [Note: The original The Journal of Physical Chemistry is no longer published. In 1997, it was divided into the four journals mentioned above.]

So, if your paper comes within the scope of JPCB (“experimental, theoretical and computational research in the area of biophysics, biochemistry, biomaterials, and soft matter”), you may submit there. If it comes within the scope of JPCC (“experimental, theoretical and computational research on the physical chemistry of nano, low-dimensional and bulk materials; chemical transformations at interfaces; and energy conversion and storage”), you may submit there. In case you are not sure which journal your paper would be a better fit for, as they have mentioned in the Scope section of each journal, you may write to either the Deputy Editor or the Executive Editor of the target journal at the corresponding email IDs provided on the respective About the Journal page.

Finally, as you asked about the format, you may refer to the submission guidelines for JPCB here and that for JPCC here.

Hope that helps. For further assistance, you may of course utilize the help of our manuscript submission service here: Editage Journal Submission

All the best for your submission!