Q: What is the meaning of the status 'Decision in Process' in Elsevier's Editorial Manager (EM)?

Detailed Question -

I had submitted a manuscript to Elsevier's Editorial Manager (EM). The status started at 'With Editor.' Then, it was 'Under Review' for up to 48 days. Then, it changed to 'Required Reviews Completed.' Now, at 51 days, it has changed to 'Decision in Process.' What does it mean? Is it possible to come to revision after this status?

1 Answer to this question

Hi Abhishek – welcome to the forum!

Straight off, I understand your concern. As the manuscript has gone for a peer review and then for a decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), indicated by the ‘Decision in Process’ status, you are concerned that the decision will be to reject – that’s why it’s not coming to you for a revision, either major or minor.

Your concern may be well-founded – or you may have reason to hope. As you may know, presently, only the associate editor (AE) seems to have made a decision (which may be a rejection) and communicated this to the EiC. However, as you may know too, the EiC makes the final decision on the manuscript. They may go with the AE’s decision, or they may overturn the AE’s decision and send it to you for a revision. At times, they may even ask you to submit to another journal within Elsevier for a better fit. However, that may be unlikely in this case as the peer review is already complete.

You should wait for the final decision, which should happen shortly. In case it is indeed a rejection, you may take the comments from the peer review, revise your manuscript based on those comments, and submit to another journal.

To help understand and avoid manuscript rejection (especially as you are new to the forum), you may find the following resources helpful:

All the best for the next steps!