Q: Where can I publish a hypothesis paper?

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Hi, I have studied, generalized and summarized thousands of papers. Now I propose a different aspect compared to the traditional view on tumor pathogenesis: new angle based on gene mutation. It is a hypothesis because it is difficult to test and verify under current medical devices. It involves some quantum level of tiny particles. It might be possible for a physical device to test though. I want to ask which journal can publish this kind of hypothesis paper? Medical hypothesis journal? Thanks!

1 Answer to this question

A journal that mostly publishes original research or a mix of different different article types might not prefer to publish hypothesis papers. I think it would be best to submit the paper to a medical hypothesis journal, that is, a journal that exclusively publishes hypotheses. Elsevier has a journal that publishes medical research hypotheses. You can also check if other reputed publishing houses have journals catering only to hypotheses.

However, before you submit you paper, you should ensure that your idea is publication worthy. The problem with hypothesis papers is that they often lack supporting evidence. Your idea should be backed by a strong line of reasoning or supporting evidence in existing literature. You are proposing a new idea on tumour pathogenesis based on gene mutation, a question that, though not fully solved yet, has been studied in depth with tons of ideas proved experimentally. Hence, unless your supporting evidence is really strong, it might be difficult to get it published. In fact, it might be a good idea to develop a solid proposal on how the physical devices can test your hypotheses (along with proper experimental controls) before you go ahead with submission.