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If you want others to cite your paper, you should make sure they read it first. Let us assume that the title and the abstract of your paper have convinced your peers…
4 Step approach to writing the Introduction section of a research paper
A cover letter for a revised manuscript should be sent to the editor along with the author’s responses to the reviewer comments. This letter is often called the response…
How to write a great rebuttal letter
This article demonstrates how you can write a good title for your research paper by following five simple steps.
5 Simple steps to write a good research paper title
Although English uses an elaborate system of tenses, simple past and simple present are the most common tenses in research papers, supplemented by present perfect and…
Using past and present tenses in research writing
Rejection is the norm in academic publishing. All established researchers are familiar with manuscript rejection. But understanding the possible reasons for journal…
Most common reasons for journal rejection
Novice researchers are often discouraged from using the first person pronouns I and we in their writing, and the most common reason given for avoiding the use of the…
Is it acceptable to use first person pronouns in scientific writing?
Choosing the correct research methodology can determine the success and overall quality of your report. It is hence essential to get the initial stage of your research…
How to choose the research methodology best suited for your study
Science is becoming open and how! Gone are the days when researchers and institutions believed in keeping scientific data  behind strict and complex institutional…
Open Data in Science - Embracing Open Data for Scientific Progress
The much awaited Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports® 2016 has been finally released. The JCR is the world’s most influential resource for evaluating peer…
Thomson Reuters releases the 2016 Journal Citation Reports
As the volume of publishing is increasing, journal editors are finding it increasingly difficult to appoint reviewers as many refuse review requests. What are the…