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What are the types of biases faced by qualitative researchers? Are there any means to avoid them? This article will help you identify 7 different types of biases in…
7 Biases to avoid in qualitative research
Scientific writing often poses a challenge to non-native English authors. While writing papers, authors often face grammatical problems. Let's look closely at one of the…
Scientific writing: "A number of" and "The number of"
Many English-second language authors find it quite difficult to write concisely because they cannot find appropriate words to substitute long phrases. In fact,…
10 Tips to reduce the length of your research paper
Although the Acknowledgments section of a research paper is perhaps the easiest to write, this simple exercise can prove difficult. This post offers you some helpful…
Tips on writing the Acknowledgments section
Constructions like ‘the data reveal that’, ‘Table 1 shows that’, or ‘Figure 2 indicates that’ are common in research papers. But do you…
Scientific writing: Difference between "to reveal," "to show," and "to indicate"
It takes several months to years for a researcher to publish a paper. A commonly cited reason for delayed publication is that the peer reviewers often recommend that…
Is reviewers' demand for more experiments justified?
Using such expressions as “for example,” “for instance,” and “including” correctly is important. This article explains these terms and how to use them appropriately…
Scientific writing: Difference between "namely," "such as," and "including"
Tables and figures, although important components of many research papers, are just that—components; you can publish a paper without them but you cannot publish tables…
Referring to tables and figures in text
As a result of technological developments and the increasing importance of article-level metrics, social media have become a valid source of information. There are…
Getting the references right: Citing social media sources
Ethical research and publication practices are essential for honest scholarly and scientific research. Most journals today are keenly aware of this