
Publication Models

Plan S, an open access publishing initiative, was launched in 2018 and is a major step toward making research readily freely and readily available to everyone. Here's a…
One research group from the School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA – decided to analyze the use of these reports within and outside the…
The representative body of the UK’s academic institutions, Jisc, has confirmed a three-year open access deal with Elsevier, a leading global publisher. Read to know more.
An analysis of more than 37,000 articles reveals that authors from low-income countries opt to publish in paywalled journals over open access journals. Rafael Zenni,…
Hijacked journals have come back into focus recently, and they can cause more damage than predatory journals to the scholarly record. Learn what they are and how to…
This International Open Access Week, we bring you an R Discovery-powered Ask Me Anything (AMA) on open access! We invited a panel of industry experts to answer questions…
Have you always wanted to learn more about any aspects of open access publishing but never had the chance? This Open Access Week, we bring you an exciting opportunity to…
The International Open Access Week is a great time for the community to reflect upon the ways open access is reshaping scholarly publishing and communication. We reached…
More and more scholarly societies, funders, publishers, and researchers are joining the efforts to make research behind pay walls accessible. Learn about some of the…
Indonesia is a world leader in the number of free-to-read published research journals. Know what this means for the research ecosystem in Indonesia.