
Manuscript Writing

As a result of technological developments and the increasing importance of article-level metrics, social media have become a valid source of information. There are…
Getting the references right: Citing social media sources
Among the many ways in which journals differ in the way, they expect authors to format references is the way names of journals are given: whether spelled out in full or…
Handling abbreviations of journal names in references
Many authors struggle with the usage of tenses in their research paper. This post discusses tense usage in specific sections of the manuscript to help authors write with…
Getting the tenses right: Materials and methods section
P value is the most commonly reported statistic in research papers, and yet is widely misunderstood and misused. Recently, the American Statistical Association (ASA)…
Is my research significant? Why you shouldn't rely on p values
Mistakes in representing numbers and units of measurement can leave scope for misinterpretation of your data. This article will help you understand the common mistakes…
5 Common errors in representing numbers and units of measurement
In writing to academics and scientists, perhaps the solution is simple enough: use Dear Dr Tanaka or Dr Smith or whatever surname or family name your correspondent has…
Scientific communication: Using "Dear Mr." or "Dear Ms." in letters
Manuscript writing requires authors to take into account subtle differences in language usage. In keeping with this, the author of this article explains how the terms …
Scientific writing: Difference in meaning of "about," "around," and "approximately"
To ensure that your manuscript conveys your ideas effectively, it is essential for you to structure it well. Many journals expect scientific research papers to be…
Tips for writing the perfect IMRAD manuscript
Many non-native English authors wish to improve their fluency in English to write better research papers and target international journals. This article discusses how…
Reading progressively difficult texts can improve researchers' English language competency
This article discusses the tips and tricks of writing the Results and Discussion sections of a research paper. Read on to learn how to write an effective research paper.