
Journal Submission & Peer Review

Some journal editors ask authors to include inappropriate or irrelevant citations in their papers in an effort to artificially inflate the journal's impact factor. If…
You’ve worked hard and think you’re on a winning path when you submit your manuscript to a top academic journal, only to be derailed by a peer review. Here's how authors…
Do you know what journal editors want from you? In this post a journal editor talks about how the predatory publishing and academic hijacking are very much like street…
In this article, Dr. Ben Britton - a Senior Lecturer and Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow at Imperial College London - shares a few tips and tricks to try to…
The unpredictable nature of the journal decision-making process and the delays involved make it a stressful experience for authors. In this article, an experienced…
Once you enter the world of academia, you quickly realize that the culture of ‘publish or perish’ is here to stay. So how do you maximize your chance of success? Here's…
As the year closes, have a look at the top questions researchers had around manuscript submission guidelines and our responses to them
The work of peer reviewers can remain somewhat mysterious, particularly for the less experienced authors. To better understand the work of a reviewer, their decision…
What is collaborative peer review? How does it work? Who is involved in this type of peer review? This flowchart will give you some quick insights into how collaborative…
Take this quiz to find out how much you know about conducting peer review of a scientific manuscript. If you get all questions right, you get the right to brag about it…